My drug of choice

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”  
―     Antoine de Saint-ExupéryThe Little Prince

Epilogue: The Dark Duet (The Dark Duet, #2.5) - C.J. Roberts 5 Mind numbingly Sexy Stars

To understand love, you have to feel it for yourself…

I´m finish!!! I felt myself fall: into the void, into Caleb!! He captured my Heart.

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I highly recommend reading the journey of Caleb and Livvie.
The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence, #1) - Jessica Sorensen 5 heart-breaking stars.

“In the existence of our lives, there is a single coincidence that brings us together and for a moment, our hearts beat as one.”

This book is very real and you cannot help but fall in love for the characters and what they have been through.
Such a beautiful love story, I felt sad and happy, and again sad and happy, what a rollercoaster of emotions!!!

OMG I need the next book, as a chocking cliffhanger ending!
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Knight & Stay (Knight, #2) - Kitty French 4 Utterly. Fucking. Fuckable.Stars

“Beautiful Viking who could melt your knickers at twenty paces.
He didn't flirt. He just made it clear what he wanted. “

Oh Lucien what I will gone do now that I have finished your story? I miss you already :(

The Knight series is just the story of two people discovering themselves and you can't help but fall in love with them and their story. A build up story from lust to Love, with a both funny and a hot steamy plot.

The story picks up EXACTLY where Knight & Play left off!!! This sequel did not disappoint, Lucien was hotter than hell, but you also become to know the deeps of Lucien heart. I also loved the way Sophie became more stronger!!!

Right now I have a ridiculous grin on my face.
Knight & Play (Knight, #1) - Kitty French A very entertaining and fun read!!!!

Romantic, emotional and mind-numbingly erotic … a romance so hot it’ll burn your fingers… with a loooooooooot of sex scenes…

I'm against cheating, however this book goes so much deeper than that…

Has a major cliffhanger …

Now I need to read the second book, to know what happens to them!!!
The Siren - Tiffany Reisz The Siren was, in turns, both fascinating and disturbing, both sad and sensual. I was absorbed in the history. A story that shakes you up. I loved it because it is a very intense read with 5 well developed main characters, the author allows you to really get to know the characters through different perspectives and it just makes you want to read more! They make you think. They open your mind!!!

“Nora thought she knew everything about being pushed to your limits. But in a world where passion is pain, nothing is ever that simple.”

Now, I´m aching for the next chapter in Nora’s life.

Who are interested in this absolutely captivating book, I can assure you that this is one book you won’t forget!!!

Tiffany Reisz you rocked my world!!! :D
Entwined with You - Sylvia Day Well, Gideon, Gideon, Gideon… I can think of nothing else than him!!!

So I give one star to the plot, one more to Eva, who is strong and beautiful, one more to the blowmind sex scenes, that made me extremely, immensely on fire, … and the other two goes to GIDEON CROSS and his penis!!!!! :D

He is one of the most appealing male characters I ever read till know.Mr. Dark and Dangerous…

Silvia Day, you have a huge fan of your books!!!
Beauty from Surrender (Beauty, #2) - Georgia Cates 4 Abso-fucking-lutely stars

Beauty from Surrender follows right where Beauty from Pain left off.
What can I say, prepare yourself to have Jack Henry McLachlan melt you panties!!! OMG!!!

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He knows he will never be able to live another day without her in his life. Their reuniting is so beautiful and emotional!!! He is still sexy, dirty talker, romantic and the sex scenes are so steamy! The stripping! Wow!

For me Jack Henry and Laurelyn are the perfect couple. I love them both. I love the first book and the second don´t disappoint!!!

Tangled - Emma Chase I give this book a ***panty-dropping, outrageously funny *** 5 stars

Pure fun and entertainment, love reading what the guy is thinking and quite frankly I found his view on things fascinating and hilarious!!! Drew is the narrator, is like he's talking to you!!
This insight into man's head and thinking is fascinating and a lot of fun.

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The book is hot, steamy, funny, has a good characters, plot, and story elements, and just the right length for me.

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I would recommend it to a friend!

Another favorite book!!

Highly recommended!!!
Eyes Wide Open  (The Blackstone Affair, #3) - Raine Miller photo 5stars_zps6a99ac01.gif
Five Mouthwatering stars!!!


“Ethan is the perfect man, kinky, foul-mouthed, romantic, English, gentleman, beautiful, insatiable lover, and with a filthy, dirty mouth!”

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Eyes Wide Open picks up where All In left off. Ethan and Brynne, are such beautifully broken characters, Together they are getting stronger and breaking down the emotional barricade they put in place to survive…they are truly, madly, deeply in love. This is a well written, steamy book with action and heartbreak all in one. Ethan is one of my favorite book boyfriend!! Thank you Raine Miller for creating Ethan Blackstone!!! I can’t wait to see what she has planned next!

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I felt so happy and aroused reading this book!!!
Damaged - H.M. Ward

I loved the beginning of this story, but the rest … not so love… Overall it was a laid back read.

I liked the characters. Both our main characters Peter and Sydney were damaged, trying to forget their past! But the past came back…

It doesn't end; it just stops, just when it is getting good IT ENDS. TOO BE CONTINUED….

But I need to read for book 2, to know what happens to them!!!
The Last Girl - Kitty Thomas “The way you respond to me. You’re poetry in motion.”

This book is dark erotica, very short, but powerful!! I felt like someone writing down their vampire fantasy, an exploration of someone’s psyche as they slowly get broken down, and start loving and hating their abuser.

I’m inside her and she’s inside me.

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During the book I like and did not like Christian, which I'm pretty sure is how the writer wants us to feel. But in the end I LOVE him ❤.

I will try another Kitty Thomas book, for sure!!
Fever - Maya Banks photo NovoDocumentodoMicrosoftWord_zpsb5b52a14.jpg

His nature was to control. To come in, take over. It was what he wanted, He is controlling bastard…
He wanted to give her so much. Comfort. Reassurance, truth, his control would extend out of the bedroom and into all aspects of their life together; he likes role-playing, bondage….

For Bethany was a fairy tale. She wanted to belong to him, He was her anchor. She wanted tenderness..
She wanted . . . love…She has to learn how to find herself worth.

Bend over and be controlled!!!

Loved this even more than Rush and I can't wait for Ash's story to come out soon!

I Want Ash!!! Please
Claim Me - J. Kenner
“I’m going to make you shatter, Nikki,”

In the world of 'billionaire heroes with issues fuckalicious men / seriously swoon-worthy, ', I BEEN “Damienized, v. To be needful of Damien, especially in the sense of fucking and dirty talk”.

Despite I thought it would be a version of 50 Shades, Mrs. Kenner makes it fresh, the characters, are wonderful, Nikki Fairchild is not a damsel in distress, and Damien is an hero, drop-dead gorgeous magnificent, honest , protective, charming , hot, .., they have A LOT of delicious and kinky sex :D

The sex scenes literally burn through the pages of the book they are hot.

They’re so completely absorbed in one another; they have an almost telepathic connection, their love for one another it is like an obsession. Damien dominates Nikki.

About what he has been hiding I totally didn't expect it!!! I was happy with the ending but we have to wait for the next one!!

Do they have a future or will they be separated?

Overall, I give this book a solid 4 stars.

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Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet, #2) - C.J. Roberts “Pure lust lives inside him.”
“You couldn’t appreciate his kindness until you’d felt his cruelty
He’d confessed so many things to her in the dark.”

This book was… It was just so, so, so …

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This story is not for the weak of heart. Wanting and craving each and every part of this story it definitely had me questioning my own demented state of mind.
There were definitely much more sexual scenes involved in this book than in the first one. Which is a plus!!
You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach, where you know things won't end well; this is this kind of book!! My emotions where everywhere!!!
There are so many twists and turns, Ms. Roberts has an amazing way of writing a story to keep the reader guessing just till the end!!! AMAZING!!!!
Captive in the Dark - C.J. Roberts “Plain. Simple. Clear-cut. Morals had no place when it came to revenge.”

This book captivated me and I surprised even myself by loving this story. It is just so wrong to like Caleb… scared the ever-loving crap out of me. But I love it any way… Amazing writing!

It's disturbing and takes you well out of your comfort zone but it's well worth it. It was dark - very, very dark, and disturbing, but so beautiful at the same time.

The ending…Talk about a cliff hanger...

Starting the second book now !!!!

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Truth - Aleatha Romig 5 mindbloggling twisted Stars!

NOTHING was what it appeared to be! What an amazingly written!!! When I thought I had this book figured out something totally different happens again. It kept me engrossed to the point that I couldn't get on with my daily life.
This boundary pushing psychological thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

Once again the ending was so jaw dropping. So many questions still linger.

I need the third book NOW!

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